My Job is triggered on any files changes
Perforce Repository setup is identical for Retrieving and Publish Assets
The issue is along the following scenario:
1) file.txt content changed from 123 to 345
2) file.txt is submitted to the repository
3) Jenkins job is triggered due to this change
4) while jenkins jobs still running and before the "Perforce:Publish assets step" file.txt content changed again from 345 to 678 and submitted to the repository
5) Perforce:Publish assets step override the most updated version of the file to the previous one.
meaning file.txt is submitted back to the repository with content "345".
With the Publish step I recommend using a different workspace for Publish from your Populate workspace. I normally add a '-publish' prefix to the workspace name e.g.
Assuming that the file.txt is not read during the build, but only written/generated. I would suggest that your Populate workspace View excludes the file (use a '-//file.txt' mapping if necessary). Then only map the files to be submitted in your Publish workspace.
The Populate workspace view is used to determine if a change has occurred and therefore must not include 'file.txt'.