Wow, forgot about that ticket. This was from my early days using Hudson/Jenkins. By now, I have migrated my jobs to be maven-jobs, so I solved it myself somehow.
I originally reported this issue against this ticket as I was not able to enable this plugin together with freestyle-jobs, only with maven-jobs. I assumed that plugins have to kind of support the different job-types (this is really just an assumption, I have no idea of the inner workings of Jenkins) and thus reported the issue against the plugin. If my assumption is wrong, and Jenkins-core must be changed in order to allow plugins working with maven-jobs only to also work when freestyle-jobs-with-invoke-maven-target are used, then it should be closed here. But I really have no idea of the inner working, I just observed that I was not able to use this plugin with freestyle-jobs, thus I reported it here.
If it's too much trouble fixing this, just close it, I think the usage of freestyle-jobs for mavenized projects is negligible.
(PS: I'm binarycello, which was my login at in the old days. Wasn't able to log in with those credientials, thus using my new account)
Changing title to better reflect, what the reporter seems to want