Resolution: Unresolved
PowerShell plugin 1.3
Jenkins 1.638 running as service on W10 10.0.10586 with override account .\jenkins (local administrator)
I am trying to execute:
$run = "Timber"
$workspace = "C:\jenkins.workspaces"
Write-Output "Removing the log file ($workspace\trunk\Poirot_ESA_Jenkins_temp\$run.log)"
if (Test-Path("$workspace\trunk\Poirot_ESA_Jenkins_temp\$run.log"))
jen-trunk -i 2 $env:SystemRoot\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -File "$workspace\trunk\Poirot_ESA\$run.ps1"
Write-Output "Seaching for a new log file ($workspace\trunk\Poirot_ESA_Jenkins_temp\$run.log)"
if (Test-Path("$workspace\trunk\Poirot_ESA_Jenkins_temp\$run.log"))
Write-Output "The file $workspace\trunk\Poirot_ESA_Jenkins_temp\$run.log doesn't exist. The run is marked as failure."
The red line is causing a problem. The PSEXE tool can't establish PSEXE service because the lack of admin privileges. If I run the hudson script in same way like the plugin does from powershell with elevated privileges, everything works fine. If build the job in Jenkins, PSEXE fails. If use a cmd execution, it works but from other reasons, I can't use is permanently.
The strange thing is that this script worked before and as far as I know, nothing change since the last working state.
I can confirm this issue.
We're hitting it from a different angle - we're trying to install an APPX package but the installation script (App-AddDevPackage.ps1) requires admin privileges in order to install the associated certificate.
It's also a matter of consistency. The batch / bash shells both run with admin privileges, so it stands to reason that PowerShell will be elevated as well.