Now that JENKINS-33599 changed the password to be written to a file, it would be more convenient for copy-pasting if the password was printed on its own line — i.e. the file should end with a (platform-specific) newline character.
With the 2.0 beta, I saw this:
chris@rebigulator:~$ cat /tmp/j2beta/secrets/initialAdminPassword c84b4a5991db49ef9d431159421107bdchris@rebigulator:~$
The setup wizard unlock field has been changed to a password field, so that also didn't help me in seeing that I had made a mistake in copying the password.
Here the password is just written straight to the file:
I think this should do it?
TBH I'd hesitate to include this in 2.0. It's clearly an improvement, clearly not critical… as usual, let's just hold for 2.1 and make that one an overloaded, broken mess of a release.