Resolution: Unresolved
jenkins 1.647
postbuildscript-plugin 0.17
I have a cluster environment consisting of 2 nodes, each containing single Apache Tomcat instance. The first node contains database as well.
I have a Matrix project configured to run ant targets on these 2 slaves.
Since only first node contains database, there are some additional time consuming ant targets needed to be called only on that node. After build is finished on all nodes I would like to bring tomcat instances up.
At the moment I'm running set of scripts with execute script on Matrix option and I execute commands over SSH for each of the nodes.
It would be great if postbuildscript plugin could execute script on axes after all nodes have finished all their build steps.
Currently executing script on axes is done regardless of build process on other nodes.
Thanks for improving the PostBuildScript plugin, but I'm not sure, that I understood the feature request properly.