Resolution: Unresolved
RHEL 6.7
Jenkins 1.609
Cloud Foundry Plugin 1.5
Credentials Plugin 1.28
Token Macro Plugin 1.12.1
I've installed the cloud foundry plugin and it shows as installed, but no option for "Push to Cloud Foundry" exists in the post build actions. The dependency plugins are also installed and functioning.
I'm not sure what I'm not doing.
I installed the plugin and restarted, then I uninstalled it and installed it manually with the hpi file and restarted. Neither way shows any difference (cloud foundry plugin shows as installed, no option in post build actions).
brian_hegerty - I've seen some issues with scrolling behavior in the dropdowns in Jenkins configuration pages, especially when you have lots of plugins installed. Can you try this in Chrome?
Let me know if this helps