Hi there, We also having the issue.
Passing parameters to a child job with Jenkins 2.2 using either a free style job of a pipeline, it works as expected, perfectly (no issues).
However for any newer version 2.4 to 2.9 (current), its simple does not work.
On the current version (2.9) we tried so many things, from different/new plugin different job configs and different job types but nothing.
One thing that does work however is if the child job has the parameter defined in its own config, then it can receive the par, but this is a suitable solution (cant maintain that across all jobs). In the previous versions (<=2.2) the child didn't need the par defined, it simple received the par for the calling parent.
Please investigate this issue and assist us.
I discovered such a problem for every jenkins parameter in 2.3, 2.4 and 2.5.
No Parameter can be evaluated in the started jenkins child job.