Resolution: Fixed
Jenkins 1.651.2 using the official docker image
Relevant plugins probably include:
ace-editor 1.1 true false
ansible 0.5 true false
ansicolor 0.4.2 true false
ant 1.3 true true
antisamy-markup-formatter 1.3 true true
authentication-tokens 1.2 true false
aws-credentials 1.15 true false
aws-java-sdk 1.10.45 true false
branch-api 1.8 true false
build-pipeline-plugin true false
cloudbees-folder 5.11 true false
credentials 2.0.7 true true
credentials-binding 1.7 true false
cvs 2.12 true true
delivery-pipeline-plugin 0.9.11 true false
docker-build-publish 1.2.2 false false
docker-build-step 1.35 true false
docker-commons 1.3.1 true false
docker-custom-build-environment 1.6.5 true false
docker-workflow 1.4 true false
durable-task 1.10 true false
ec2 1.33 true false
envinject 1.92.1 true false
external-monitor-job 1.4 true false
ghprb 1.32.2 true false
git 2.4.4 true false
git-client 1.19.6 true false
git-server 1.6 true false
github 1.19.1 true false
github-api 1.75 true false
github-branch-source 1.7 true false
github-oauth 0.24 true false
github-sqs-plugin 1.5 true false
gradle 1.24 true false
greenballs 1.15 true false
handlebars 1.1.1 true false
htmlpublisher 1.11 true false
icon-shim 2.0.3 true false
jackson2-api 2.7.3 true false
javadoc 1.3 true true
job-dsl 1.39 true false
jquery 1.11.2-0 true false
jquery-detached 1.2.1 true false
junit 1.13 true true
ldap 1.12 true true
mailer 1.17 true true
mapdb-api true false
matrix-auth 1.4 true true
matrix-project 1.7 true true
maven-plugin 2.13 true true
momentjs 1.1.1 true false
node-iterator-api 1.5 true false
pam-auth 1.2 true true
parameterized-trigger 2.30 true false
pegdown-formatter 1.3 true false
pipeline-build-step 2.0 true false
pipeline-input-step 2.0 true false
pipeline-rest-api 1.4 true false
pipeline-stage-step 2.1 true false
pipeline-stage-view 1.4 true false
plain-credentials 1.2 true false
postbuild-task 1.8 true false
sbt 1.5 true false
scm-api 1.2 true false
script-security 1.19 true true
slack 2.0.1 true false
ssh-agent 1.10 true false
ssh-credentials 1.12 true true
ssh-slaves 1.11 true true
structs 1.1 true false
subversion 2.5.7 true true
thinBackup 1.7.4 true false
token-macro 1.12.1 true false
translation 1.14 true true
windows-slaves 1.1 true true
workflow-aggregator 2.1 true false
workflow-api 2.0 true false
workflow-basic-steps 2.0 true false
workflow-cps 2.4 true false
workflow-cps-global-lib 2.0 true false
workflow-durable-task-step 2.0 true false
workflow-job 2.2 true false
workflow-multibranch 2.4 true false
workflow-scm-step 2.0 true false
workflow-step-api 2.1 true false
workflow-support 2.0 true falseJenkins 1.651.2 using the official docker image Relevant plugins probably include: ace-editor 1.1 true false ansible 0.5 true false ansicolor 0.4.2 true false ant 1.3 true true antisamy-markup-formatter 1.3 true true authentication-tokens 1.2 true false aws-credentials 1.15 true false aws-java-sdk 1.10.45 true false branch-api 1.8 true false build-pipeline-plugin true false cloudbees-folder 5.11 true false credentials 2.0.7 true true credentials-binding 1.7 true false cvs 2.12 true true delivery-pipeline-plugin 0.9.11 true false docker-build-publish 1.2.2 false false docker-build-step 1.35 true false docker-commons 1.3.1 true false docker-custom-build-environment 1.6.5 true false docker-workflow 1.4 true false durable-task 1.10 true false ec2 1.33 true false envinject 1.92.1 true false external-monitor-job 1.4 true false ghprb 1.32.2 true false git 2.4.4 true false git-client 1.19.6 true false git-server 1.6 true false github 1.19.1 true false github-api 1.75 true false github-branch-source 1.7 true false github-oauth 0.24 true false github-sqs-plugin 1.5 true false gradle 1.24 true false greenballs 1.15 true false handlebars 1.1.1 true false htmlpublisher 1.11 true false icon-shim 2.0.3 true false jackson2-api 2.7.3 true false javadoc 1.3 true true job-dsl 1.39 true false jquery 1.11.2-0 true false jquery-detached 1.2.1 true false junit 1.13 true true ldap 1.12 true true mailer 1.17 true true mapdb-api true false matrix-auth 1.4 true true matrix-project 1.7 true true maven-plugin 2.13 true true momentjs 1.1.1 true false node-iterator-api 1.5 true false pam-auth 1.2 true true parameterized-trigger 2.30 true false pegdown-formatter 1.3 true false pipeline-build-step 2.0 true false pipeline-input-step 2.0 true false pipeline-rest-api 1.4 true false pipeline-stage-step 2.1 true false pipeline-stage-view 1.4 true false plain-credentials 1.2 true false postbuild-task 1.8 true false sbt 1.5 true false scm-api 1.2 true false script-security 1.19 true true slack 2.0.1 true false ssh-agent 1.10 true false ssh-credentials 1.12 true true ssh-slaves 1.11 true true structs 1.1 true false subversion 2.5.7 true true thinBackup 1.7.4 true false token-macro 1.12.1 true false translation 1.14 true true windows-slaves 1.1 true true workflow-aggregator 2.1 true false workflow-api 2.0 true false workflow-basic-steps 2.0 true false workflow-cps 2.4 true false workflow-cps-global-lib 2.0 true false workflow-durable-task-step 2.0 true false workflow-job 2.2 true false workflow-multibranch 2.4 true false workflow-scm-step 2.0 true false workflow-step-api 2.1 true false workflow-support 2.0 true false
I upgraded to the awe-java-sdk plugin, and jenkins would no longer start.
The error message:
hudson.util.HudsonFailedToLoad: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/http/conn/ssl/SSLSocketFactory
at hudson.WebAppMain$3.run(WebAppMain.java:234)
Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/http/conn/ssl/SSLSocketFactory
at com.amazonaws.AmazonWebServiceClient.<init>(AmazonWebServiceClient.java:136)
at com.amazonaws.services.ec2.AmazonEC2Client.<init>(AmazonEC2Client.java:196)
at com.amazonaws.services.ec2.AmazonEC2Client.<init>(AmazonEC2Client.java:173)
at hudson.plugins.ec2.EC2Cloud.connect(EC2Cloud.java:640)
at hudson.plugins.ec2.EC2Cloud.connect(EC2Cloud.java:609)
at hudson.plugins.ec2.EC2Computer._describeInstanceOnce(EC2Computer.java:166)
at hudson.plugins.ec2.EC2Computer._describeInstance(EC2Computer.java:149)
at hudson.plugins.ec2.EC2Computer.describeInstance(EC2Computer.java:107)
at hudson.plugins.ec2.EC2Computer.getUptime(EC2Computer.java:133)
at hudson.plugins.ec2.EC2RetentionStrategy.internalCheck(EC2RetentionStrategy.java:104)
at hudson.plugins.ec2.EC2RetentionStrategy.check(EC2RetentionStrategy.java:85)
at hudson.plugins.ec2.EC2RetentionStrategy.check(EC2RetentionStrategy.java:43)
at hudson.slaves.SlaveComputer$4.run(SlaveComputer.java:717)
at hudson.model.Queue._withLock(Queue.java:1306)
at hudson.model.Queue.withLock(Queue.java:1189)
at hudson.slaves.SlaveComputer.setNode(SlaveComputer.java:714)
at hudson.model.AbstractCIBase.updateComputer(AbstractCIBase.java:118)
at hudson.model.AbstractCIBase.access$000(AbstractCIBase.java:44)
at hudson.model.AbstractCIBase$2.run(AbstractCIBase.java:186)
at hudson.model.Queue._withLock(Queue.java:1306)
at hudson.model.Queue.withLock(Queue.java:1189)
at hudson.model.AbstractCIBase.updateComputerList(AbstractCIBase.java:169)
at jenkins.model.Jenkins.updateComputerList(Jenkins.java:1260)
at jenkins.model.Jenkins.<init>(Jenkins.java:846)
at hudson.model.Hudson.<init>(Hudson.java:83)
at hudson.model.Hudson.<init>(Hudson.java:79)
at hudson.WebAppMain$3.run(WebAppMain.java:225)
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.http.conn.ssl.SSLSocketFactory
at jenkins.util.AntClassLoader.findClassInComponents(AntClassLoader.java:1376)
at jenkins.util.AntClassLoader.findClass(AntClassLoader.java:1326)
at jenkins.util.AntClassLoader.loadClass(AntClassLoader.java:1079)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:357)
... 27 more
- is related to
JENKINS-35445 Incorrect packaging of Apache HttpComponents in hpi files
- Closed
That is without the new version of the plugin installed.