For the benefit of google and the next person that needs to set discard properties on all their pipeline jobs due to lack of control of Jenkinsfiles from developers ...
Just knocked up this bit of groovy which respects any existing setting, but mandates some limits if not set and ensures the rotate log is run when there are jobs that may only run infrequently:
#!/usr/bin/env groovy
import org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.job.WorkflowJob
import hudson.tasks.LogRotator
def allItems = Jenkins.instance.getAllItems(WorkflowJob)
allItems.each { job ->
newArtifactDaysToKeep = 7
newArtifactNumToKeep = 10
newDaysToKeep = 30
newNumToKeep = 100
newDiscarder = false
buildDiscarder = job.getBuildDiscarder()
if (buildDiscarder) {
if (buildDiscarder instanceof LogRotator) {
artifactDaysToKeep = buildDiscarder.getArtifactDaysToKeep()
artifactNumToKeep = buildDiscarder.getArtifactNumToKeep()
daysToKeep = buildDiscarder.getDaysToKeep()
numToKeep = buildDiscarder.getNumToKeep()
println "Existing config is: artifactDaysToKeep (${artifactDaysToKeep}) artifactNumToKeep (${artifactNumToKeep}) daysToKeep (${daysToKeep}) numToKeep (${numToKeep})"
if ((artifactDaysToKeep < 1) || (artifactNumToKeep < 1) || (daysToKeep < 1) || (numToKeep < 1)) {
newDiscarder = true
if (artifactDaysToKeep > 0) {
newArtifactDaysToKeep = artifactDaysToKeep
if (artifactNumToKeep > 0) {
newArtifactNumToKeep = artifactNumToKeep
if (daysToKeep > 0) {
newDaysToKeep = daysToKeep
if (numToKeep > 0) {
newNumToKeep = numToKeep
} else {
newDiscarder = true
} else {
newDiscarder = true
if (newDiscarder == true) {
println "New config is: artifactDaysToKeep (${newArtifactDaysToKeep}) artifactNumToKeep (${newArtifactNumToKeep}) daysToKeep (${newDaysToKeep}) numToKeep (${newNumToKeep})"
newBuildDiscarder = new LogRotator(newDaysToKeep, newNumToKeep, newArtifactDaysToKeep, newArtifactNumToKeep)
println "Running cleanup of " + job.getFullName()
return "completed"
I believe you can set those in the Jenkins file using set property.