jdumay I do not recall having problems there (it is working in master), the underlying problem is the data, the full name is what you see on the screenshot, it is not coming as Thorsten Scherler from the backend.
However if you refer to the "X changes" where X is the number of changes -> the problem is that is not possible without doing calculation in js. See https://github.com/cloudbees/blueocean/pull/125#issuecomment-211431309
{{@i386 I am not sure how to archive to change the text when text-overflow is detected.
https://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Web/CSS/text-overflow I can use only basic support since the string option is only working in firefox and the bigger problem is that not the whole content will be replaced but only the overfloating part.}}
Basically we need something like https://github.com/contra/react-responsive to change the content. jdumay I can do this issue just it did not fit in the PR where it was raised at that time.
jmcdonald I believe tscherler had some difficulty figuring this one out so Ill assign to you for the next sprint.