New Feature
Resolution: Won't Do
By default, this plugin allows a job to run using another job's workspace. However, there are cases where taking a copy of the other job workspace is preferable. In this case, the user can specify an extra parameter to the exwsAllocate step: copy: true
e.g.: def workspace = exwsAllocate upstream: 'upstream-job', copy: true
When a copy is made, the workspace path is simply named after the current job (not the upstream job) rather than after the upstream job, and the build number is the current build number rather than the upstream build number.
Reference: https://github.com/martinda/external-workspace-manager/blob/master/README.md#copying-the-workspace
On the task scrub we agreed not to do it.
It is not in the scope of what features the External Workspace Manager should have.