Resolution: Unresolved
Jenkins ver. 1.651.2
I have first tested the LDAP configuration using the LDAP plugin and it worked without issues.
I have then changed the security realm to use "HTTP Header by reverse proxy" and have setup the Advanced section for LDAP using the same configuration.
I setup Project-based Matrix Authorization Strategy.
I am able to login using the Proxy, but if I go directly to the website and login I cannot.
I am wondering if this is an issue or expected behavior or anyway to use both "HTTP Header by reverse proxy" and "LDAP"
Even though I have validated the inputs and values for [Server | Manager DN | Manager Password ] - I'm seeing the following errors by inputs:
Problem accessing /securityRealms/LDAPSecurityRealm/serverCheck. Reason:
Problem accessing /configureSecurity/'/securityRealms/LDAPSecurityRealm/serverCheck.
Not Found
Then when I try to login via the website I get this error:
Problem accessing /j_acegi_security_check. Reason:
Not Found
Are there any updates to this? We are having the same issue in our organization.