Resolution: Not A Defect
Ubuntu 14.04 x86_64
OpenJDK 7u101-2.6.6
Jenkins 2.11
Active Choices Plug-in 1.4
Mask Passwords Plugin 2.8
Under "Manage Jenkins / Configure System",
I configured "Mask Passwords - Parameters to automatically mask" for:
Active Choices Reactive Reference Parameter
Active Choices Reactive Parameter
Active Choices Parameter
and created one "Mask Passwords - Global name/password pairs" for:
In Jenkins job configuration,
I have an "Active Choices Reactive Parameter" using Groovy script
and tries to use that global variable ${build_password}:
if ( SVN_FOLDER.endsWith("/trunk") ){ return ["N/A"] } else { def SVN_LIST_URL = "${SVN_ROOT}/${SVN_FOLDER}" def SVN_CMD_ARG = "svn ls --username build --password ${build_password} --non-interactive ${SVN_LIST_URL}" def SVN_CMD_OUT = SVN_CMD_ARG.execute().text def SVN_SELECCTION_LIST = SVN_CMD_OUT.split('/\n').toList().sort().reverse() return SVN_SELECCTION_LIST }
The above code works only if I replace ${build_password} with actual password string.
Interesting use case! Never tried accessing a masked password with Groovy in Jenkins. Adding it to the next development cycle. Thanks for reporting it totoroliu