In Jenkins 2.11, after uploading a Job, the entities at least in textareas are no longer encoded
Steps to verify:
1) Create a job with e.g. shell code in a build step and some encoded characters (e.g. quotation marks: ")
2) Download the job config via the REST-API
-> quotes are encoded as """
3) re-upload/Replace the same job/data again
4) Download the configuration again & compare with result of step 2)
-> quotes are not encoded
Optional step:
5) Save the job again via the GUI by clicking SAVE
6) Download the cofiguration via the API again and compare with result of step 2)
-> Both download are identical, i.e. the quotes are encoded again
With an account on the server and wireshark we could verify that the configuration is sent/uploaded correctly (=encoded) to the server in step 3), but stored unencoded on the serversin the local XML. This is corrected after savig again in step 5)
It works as expected (i.e., always encoded) in an older Jenkins installation (1.6xx)