Nope, the problem with the failing test appears when trying to test with the server from the master branch of the current test suite. The only option in trying to convert all these tests is to:a
a) ignore all the tests and mark them as something that has to be fixed in the future
b) accept the changeset with failing tests knowing that the solution has to be found in the future
Of the 2 options, the 2nd seems more favorable to me, simply from the perspective that the changes go into the codebase.
The major issue I've seen in the test case conversion is the openid4java throwing errors when the crumbIssuer can't be set after the service has been started. This shows up in old and new tests, and there's really no good way to set up that particular setting. (The jetty server errors on stop/restart and any other overrides aren't a good 1-1 replacement)
While investigating this conversion, I ran into a lot of issues with how the tests ran. Noteably, there are some tests that I don't think will ever pass. I think these test failures will have to be addressed by the maintainers of the plugin. Also, I think there are some legitimate issues with the plugin since I tried using it on the latest version of Jenkins and ran into 404 errors while trying to use the service.