I'm seeing the same behavior on 2.361.4.
Here's the script I'm trying to run:
pyenv local 3.6.5
pyenv version
echo on
where python
python --version
pip install -r requirements.txt
python "build-system\Jenkins\build.py"
Jenkins will run the first line, but then stop running the script. It's as if the script ends there.
I can comment out the problematic line with `REM`, and then it would run the next line, and stop afterwards. The `echo` is fine. `where` is fine. But any other command, and it will interrupt the script afterwards.
I can see that it prints in the console that it's simply running a `.bat` file from the temp dir. And that file looks fine to me. Nothing out of the ordinary.
Does anybody have any idea what I could do to debug this?
Cannot reproduce the issue.
Would be useful to have some pointers like Jenkins version at least