• Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: Major Major
    • multijob-plugin
    • None

      Multi-job plugin executes jobs within a phase in a different order than that defined by the phase when the execution type is set to "Running Phase Jobs Sequentially".
      For example a phase 2 will contain jobs A, B, C.
      Defined in the phase as

      But sometimes B or C will be executed before A when the phase begins.

          [JENKINS-37351] running jobs sequentially - ordering

          Monkey Little added a comment -

          I'm having the same problem - current multi job plugin version is 1.23. So basically "Job execution type" parameter is not working at all.

          This needs to be fixed immediately - a major bug.

          Monkey Little added a comment - I'm having the same problem - current multi job plugin version is 1.23. So basically "Job execution type" parameter is not working at all. This needs to be fixed immediately - a major bug.

          Roman Holler added a comment -

          This error still exists. The "Job execution type" parameter is completely useless. The feature is a very important and nice one, though.

          I agree, this is a very major bug.

          Roman Holler added a comment - This error still exists. The "Job execution type" parameter is completely useless. The feature is a very important and nice one, though. I agree, this is a very major bug.


          I prepared a pull request https://github.com/jenkinsci/tikal-multijob-plugin/pull/107 

          with  fix of this bug

          Please check it.


          Andrew Kostrov added a comment - Hello. I prepared a pull request https://github.com/jenkinsci/tikal-multijob-plugin/pull/107   with  fix of this bug Please check it.  

          Chris Martin added a comment -

          Have tested the change and confirmed it works correctly. Running the multijob 10+ times, with it always running in the specified order.

          Chris Martin added a comment - Have tested the change and confirmed it works correctly. Running the multijob 10+ times, with it always running in the specified order.

          Why did you close this issue ?

          Pull request not merged now


          Andrew Kostrov added a comment - Why did you close this issue ? Pull request not merged now  

          Chris Martin added a comment -

          Sorry, unsure on the workflow. I 'resolved' the issue, not closed. I thought there would be a step between resolved and closed for you to merge.

          Chris Martin added a comment - Sorry, unsure on the workflow. I 'resolved' the issue, not closed. I thought there would be a step between resolved and closed for you to merge.

          Can anyone help me to push this pull request?

          Andrew Kostrov added a comment - Can anyone help me to push this pull request?

          Code changed in jenkins
          User: Andrey.Kostrov
          fix bug https://issues.jenkins-ci.org/browse/JENKINS-37351

          SCM/JIRA link daemon added a comment - Code changed in jenkins User: Andrey.Kostrov Path: src/main/java/com/tikal/jenkins/plugins/multijob/MultiJobBuilder.java http://jenkins-ci.org/commit/tikal-multijob-plugin/19bda6c7385e47f0619a5dbe1cb167a36542ebde Log: fix bug https://issues.jenkins-ci.org/browse/JENKINS-37351

          Code changed in jenkins
          User: Chen
          Merge pull request #107 from Andykaban/master

          fix bug running jobs sequentially - ordering JENKINS-37351

          Compare: https://github.com/jenkinsci/tikal-multijob-plugin/compare/0ce0d48edc7d...7221b26050da

          SCM/JIRA link daemon added a comment - Code changed in jenkins User: Chen Path: src/main/java/com/tikal/jenkins/plugins/multijob/MultiJobBuilder.java src/main/resources/com/tikal/jenkins/plugins/multijob/MultiJobBuilder/config.jelly http://jenkins-ci.org/commit/tikal-multijob-plugin/7221b26050daed4511e5eb5944ec7cb357b21de8 Log: Merge pull request #107 from Andykaban/master fix bug running jobs sequentially - ordering JENKINS-37351 Compare: https://github.com/jenkinsci/tikal-multijob-plugin/compare/0ce0d48edc7d...7221b26050da

          Chen Cohen added a comment -

          fixed in version 1.24

          Chen Cohen added a comment - fixed in version 1.24

            andykaban Andrew Kostrov
            chrisdmartinuk Chris Martin
            4 Vote for this issue
            10 Start watching this issue
