Just trying to understand, it sounds like there currently isn't a way to post to remote shares and still build the "Last Successful Deployed Artifacts" link in the Jenkins job pages with the plugin. Is that true?
For me, very few of the jobs utilize maven and everyone I support is used to seeing remote artifacts deployed in the Freestyle jobs and then downloading artifacts using the "Last Successful Deployed Artifacts" links the plugin creates in the Job pages. If I can't replicate that in a pipeline, this becomes a blocker, because I can't convert the jobs from Freestyle ones. I really don't want to use the built-in Archive the Artifacts" step, because this plugin's great advantage over that feature, is that big installers, etc. can be posted to a separate server and not on the Jenkins master which for me will seriously increase the storage/backup requirements for the master.
Is there a workaround for using this plugin in pipeline without native support?