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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-37547

Multijob Plugin does not support builds using NodeLabel Parameter Plugin


      I have a build (a) which uses the NodeLabel as a parameter to the build i.e. so I can change which label the build runs against.

      I have tried creating a build (b) which uses has a multijob for kicking off a number of the builds mentioned above simultaneously. This build has a parameter which matches the name of the NodeLabel parameter in the child jobs. In the multijob I have it set to "Current job parameters"

      When I run the build, the NodeLabel parameter is not passed down to the child jobs that get launched thus resulting in the builds trying to run against a label of "null"

      If I change build (b) to just kick off build (a) as a post action it does successfully pass the parameter down to the node label parameter. I can also trigger build (a) using the API with the dynamic NodeLabel parameter.

            alex_nick Alex Nickolaevsky
            ibmrob Rob C
            2 Vote for this issue
            4 Start watching this issue
