Not sure I remember exactly. Are now handling this in other ways (not using CTests memorycheck and instead setting up valgrind manually and using xunit-valgrind tool).
Seems like I might be wrong about that there are two files generated. Seems like the `ctest -T Memcheck` command generates only the DynamicAnalysis.xml report, and `ctest -T Test` generates Test.xml. Don't what the normal workflow would be. I think I would be fine with having two TestTypes configured and thus duplication. Something like:
<xunit plugin="xunit@1.102">
<!-- What I'm currently doing
I want to be able to only run the memorychecker for some tests and not for others. So I run both the `ctest -T Memcheck` and `ctest -T Test` with some filtering on each command, but a more sane scenario might be to run one or the other.
What do you expect here? There are two report files. I can not merge the result toghether. xUnit strategy for each source report use XSL to produce an equivalent junit report. If I got two file two report will be in output so you will have test doubled.