Resolution: Fixed
1.0-beta-1, 1.0-b05/b-06
When running a pipeline that has parallel branches:
- Selecting the non "top" branch doesn't show its steps
- If a branch finishes early it doesn't show up as finished (likely related to above).
A video of this in action:
To reproduce, use the following in an simple non multibranch pipeline, run it from blue ocean and follow along:
node { stage "hey" sh "echo yeah" sleep 3 stage "par" parallel ( "left" : { sh "sleep 10s" sh "echo yeah" }, "right" : { sh "echo wozzle" } ) stage "ho" sh "echo done" }
- is blocked by
JENKINS-38360 Not receiving enough events (SSE) for block scoped stages
- Closed
- is related to
JENKINS-37753 REGRESSION: Steps showing up as incomplete when they are in fact complete
- Closed