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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-38342

Show all available labels provided by clouds in Labels Dashboard


      My team sometimes faces the problem when the job should be attached to label which is linked to a cloud template. The "label expression" may be auto-filled in job configuration page, but it is not convenient when you don't know what labels are available.

      The purpose of this JIRA is to show also the labels linked to Cloud Templates (in the Labels Dashboard), so that later when the user creates a job he/she knows what are the available labels and to which clouds they are connected.

      Also, as suggested by dominiquebrice, as all labels will be shown now (no matter if job is linked to it or no), it would be better if the "Provisioning cloud" information is shown for all labels (no matter if there is a linked job to it or no).

        1. Dashboard.png
          122 kB
          Anna Manukyan
        2. LinkedJobsPage.png
          48 kB
          Anna Manukyan

            dominiquebrice Dominique Brice
            amanukya Anna Manukyan
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue
