Resolution: Not A Defect
Jenkins 2.7.3
Oracle Java 1.8.0_92
All plugins & versions:
ace-editor 1.1
ansicolor 0.4.2
ant 1.4
antisamy-markup-formatter 1.5
authentication-tokens 1.3
bouncycastle-api 1.648.3
branch-api 1.10.2
build-failure-analyzer 1.17.1
build-flow-plugin 0.20
build-name-setter 1.6.5
build-timeout 1.17.1
build-user-vars-plugin 1.5
buildgraph-view 1.3.2
buildtriggerbadge 2.3
cloudbees-folder 5.12
conditional-buildstep 1.3.5
copy-to-slave 1.4.4
copyartifact 1.38.1
credentials 2.1.4
credentials-binding 1.9
cucumber-testresult-plugin 0.8.2
cvs 2.12
display-url-api 0.3
docker-commons 1.4.1
docker-plugin 0.16.2
docker-workflow 1.8
durable-task 1.12
email-ext 2.47
embeddable-build-status 1.9
envinject 1.92.1
Exclusion 0.12
external-monitor-job 1.6
fstrigger 0.39
ghprb 1.33.1
git 3.0.0
git-client 2.0.0
git-server 1.7
github 1.21.1
github-api 1.77
github-branch-source 1.9
github-oauth 0.24
github-organization-folder 1.5
gradle 1.25
groovy 1.29
groovy-postbuild 2.3.1
handlebars 1.1.1
htmlpublisher 1.11
icon-shim 2.0.3
jacoco 2.0.1
javadoc 1.4
job-dsl 1.50
jquery 1.11.2-0
jquery-detached 1.2.1
junit 1.18
ldap 1.12
lockable-resources 1.10
mailer 1.18
matrix-auth 1.4
matrix-project 1.7.1
maven-plugin 2.13
modernstatus 1.2
momentjs 1.1.1
monitoring 1.61.0
multiple-scms 0.6
naginator 1.17.2
nodelabelparameter 1.7.2
pam-auth 1.3
parameterized-trigger 2.32
pegdown-formatter 1.3
pipeline-build-step 2.2
pipeline-graph-analysis 1.1
pipeline-input-step 2.1
pipeline-rest-api 2.0
pipeline-stage-step 2.2
pipeline-stage-view 2.0
pipeline-utility-steps 1.1.6
plain-credentials 1.2
promoted-builds 2.27
rebuild 1.25
run-condition 1.0
saferestart 0.3
scm-api 1.3
scm-sync-configuration 0.0.10
script-security 1.22
scriptler 2.9
shelve-project-plugin 1.5
sidebar-link 1.7
slack 2.0.1
ssh-agent 1.13
ssh-credentials 1.12
ssh-slaves 1.11
structs 1.5
subversion 2.6
swarm 2.2
text-finder 1.10
thinBackup 1.7.4
timestamper 1.8.5
token-macro 1.12.1
translation 1.15
uno-choice 1.4
urltrigger 0.41
windows-slaves 1.2
workflow-aggregator 2.3
workflow-api 2.3
workflow-basic-steps 2.1
workflow-cps 2.15
workflow-cps-global-lib 2.3
workflow-durable-task-step 2.4
workflow-job 2.6
workflow-multibranch 2.8
workflow-scm-step 2.2
workflow-step-api 2.3
workflow-support 2.4
ws-cleanup 0.30
Jenkins 2.7.3 Oracle Java 1.8.0_92 All plugins & versions: ace-editor 1.1 ansicolor 0.4.2 ant 1.4 antisamy-markup-formatter 1.5 authentication-tokens 1.3 bouncycastle-api 1.648.3 branch-api 1.10.2 build-failure-analyzer 1.17.1 build-flow-plugin 0.20 build-name-setter 1.6.5 build-timeout 1.17.1 build-user-vars-plugin 1.5 buildgraph-view 1.3.2 buildtriggerbadge 2.3 cloudbees-folder 5.12 conditional-buildstep 1.3.5 copy-to-slave 1.4.4 copyartifact 1.38.1 credentials 2.1.4 credentials-binding 1.9 cucumber-testresult-plugin 0.8.2 cvs 2.12 display-url-api 0.3 docker-commons 1.4.1 docker-plugin 0.16.2 docker-workflow 1.8 durable-task 1.12 email-ext 2.47 embeddable-build-status 1.9 envinject 1.92.1 Exclusion 0.12 external-monitor-job 1.6 fstrigger 0.39 ghprb 1.33.1 git 3.0.0 git-client 2.0.0 git-server 1.7 github 1.21.1 github-api 1.77 github-branch-source 1.9 github-oauth 0.24 github-organization-folder 1.5 gradle 1.25 groovy 1.29 groovy-postbuild 2.3.1 handlebars 1.1.1 htmlpublisher 1.11 icon-shim 2.0.3 jacoco 2.0.1 javadoc 1.4 job-dsl 1.50 jquery 1.11.2-0 jquery-detached 1.2.1 junit 1.18 ldap 1.12 lockable-resources 1.10 mailer 1.18 mapdb-api matrix-auth 1.4 matrix-project 1.7.1 maven-plugin 2.13 modernstatus 1.2 momentjs 1.1.1 monitoring 1.61.0 multiple-scms 0.6 naginator 1.17.2 nodelabelparameter 1.7.2 pam-auth 1.3 parameterized-trigger 2.32 pegdown-formatter 1.3 pipeline-build-step 2.2 pipeline-graph-analysis 1.1 pipeline-input-step 2.1 pipeline-rest-api 2.0 pipeline-stage-step 2.2 pipeline-stage-view 2.0 pipeline-utility-steps 1.1.6 plain-credentials 1.2 promoted-builds 2.27 rebuild 1.25 run-condition 1.0 saferestart 0.3 scm-api 1.3 scm-sync-configuration 0.0.10 script-security 1.22 scriptler 2.9 shelve-project-plugin 1.5 sidebar-link 1.7 slack 2.0.1 ssh-agent 1.13 ssh-credentials 1.12 ssh-slaves 1.11 structs 1.5 subversion 2.6 swarm 2.2 teamconcert text-finder 1.10 thinBackup 1.7.4 timestamper 1.8.5 token-macro 1.12.1 translation 1.15 uno-choice 1.4 urltrigger 0.41 windows-slaves 1.2 workflow-aggregator 2.3 workflow-api 2.3 workflow-basic-steps 2.1 workflow-cps 2.15 workflow-cps-global-lib 2.3 workflow-durable-task-step 2.4 workflow-job 2.6 workflow-multibranch 2.8 workflow-scm-step 2.2 workflow-step-api 2.3 workflow-support 2.4 ws-cleanup 0.30
I have this pipeline:
node { docker.withRegistry('https://my-private-repo') { sh 'echo "FROM ubuntu" > Dockerfile' img = docker.build('my-test-image:1.0.0') print img.imageName() } print img.imageName() }
When the first print is done I get the expected full name with the registry prefix.
The 2nd print however drops the registry prefix and I just get the id.
Was not expecting that since the img object did not change.
Isn't this how it is supposed to work?