Resolution: Unresolved
Jenkins 2.23, SSH Agent Plugin 1.13, Pipeline 2.4
I'm attempting to create a pipeline scm job that allows the user to specify their private SSH key (stored under their user-specific credentials, not the 'public' store) as a Credentials parameter and then supply that ID to the sshagent step so the git step can pull code and (later) push code to the repository as part of a gitflow workflow.
Unfortunately, while the Credentials Parameter lets me choose my key, the step can't seem to find it, even though I've made sure the Credentials Parameter supplies a valid ID. If I switch the Credentials Parameter to use a key that is available to anyone on the server, the key is found and the steps proceed correctly.
I don't want users putting private keys in a location where just anyone can use them but it seems like the credentials are not retrievable from their private store. Quick snippet:
properties([parameters([ [$class: 'CredentialsParameterDefinition', credentialType: 'com.cloudbees.jenkins.plugins.sshcredentials.impl.BasicSSHUserPrivateKey', defaultValue: '', description: 'The SSH user and private SSH key to use for performing the release.', name: 'SSH_USER', required: true], string(defaultValue: '', description: 'The version number for the release.', name: 'RELEASE_VERSION'), string(defaultValue: '', description: 'The next development version', name: 'DEV_VERSION')]) ] ) node { stage('Checkout Software') { // Checkout core sshagent(["${SSH_USER}"]) { git([branch: 'develop', changelog: false, poll: false, url: 'git@mygitserver:some-repo.git']) } }
Also checked this by passing credentialsId to the git step and it also appears to be unable to use the credentials by itself. Perhaps this is Jenkins-wide bug?