Resolution: Fixed
Jenkins ver. 2.23 using pipeline
I am trying to upload a
nexus artefact in a pipeline:
node () { stage("nexus snapshot checkin") { nexusArtifactUploader artifactId: 'my-model', classifier: '', credentialsId: '<id>', file: '<path-to-file>-SNAPSHOT-20.zip', groupId: 'org.somegroup', nexusUrl: '<nexus-url>', nexusVersion: 'nexus3', protocol: 'http', repository: 'maven-snapshots', type: 'zip', version: '1.6.7-SNAPSHOT' } }
In the log output I see:
Failed to deploy artifacts: Could not transfer artifact<my-artifact> from/to maven-releases (<url>): Failed to transfer <url>. Error code 400, Repository does not allow updating assets: maven-releases
Which is of course a configuration error on the nexus.
But the job does not fail! In my opinion the plugin should throw an error when it fails.