Resolution: Fixed
Jenkins ver. 1.651.3
Windows 7
Using plugins:
EZ Templates
Build Failure Analyzer
Maven Repository Scheduled Cleanup Plugin
Maestro Plugin
Jenkins Job Restrictions Plugin
Jenkins Throttle Concurrent Builds Plug-in
All installed plugins
jquery-detached - 1.2.1
pam-auth - 1.3
workflow-job - 2.6
ruby-runtime - 0.13
msbuild - 1.26
swarm - 2.2
github - 1.21.1
claim - 2.8
ssh-agent - 1.13
jackson2-api - 2.7.3
pipeline-input-step - 2.1
workflow-basic-steps - 2.1
sonar - 2.4.4
parameterized-trigger - 2.32
promoted-builds - 2.27
workflow-support - 2.2
mail-watcher-plugin - 1.15
external-monitor-job - 1.6
pipeline-utility-steps - 1.1.6
aws-java-sdk - 1.10.50
structs - 1.5
pipeline-graph-analysis - 1.1
monitoring - 1.59.0
ci-cd-pipeline-plugin - 0.8.7-SNAPSHOT (private-11/21/2014 16:32-abnath)
momentjs - 1.1.1
cobertura - 1.9.8
copyartifact - 1.38.1
aws-credentials - 1.16
deployment-notification - 1.4
git - 2.5.3
sectioned-view - 1.20
extended-read-permission - 1.0
job-restrictions - 0.5
credentials-binding - 1.9
credentials - 2.1.4
workflow-step-api - 2.3
chef - 0.1.7
aws-lambda - 0.5.5
javadoc - 1.4
nodelabelparameter - 1.7.2
token-macro - 1.12.1
jira - 2.2.1
timestamper - 1.8.4
pipeline-stage-view - 2.0
config-file-provider - 2.11
uno-choice - 1.4
workflow-scm-step - 2.2
workflow-aggregator - 2.3
matrix-auth - 1.4
selenium - 2.53.1
antisamy-markup-formatter - 1.5
ansible - 0.5
analysis-core - 1.79
handlebars - 1.1.1
subversion - 2.6
p4 - 1.4.6
role-strategy - 2.3.2
git-client - 1.21.0
mailer - 1.18
release - 2.5.4
vstestrunner - 1.0.4
violations - 0.7.11
workflow-multibranch - 2.8
plain-credentials - 1.2
publish-over-ssh - 1.14
workflow-cps-global-lib - 2.3
clone-workspace-scm - 0.6
build-pipeline-plugin - 1.5.4
maven-plugin - 2.13
powershell - 1.3
jenkins - 1.1
performance - 1.14
port-allocator - 1.8
naginator - 1.17.2
chef-tracking - 1.0
workflow-durable-task-step - 2.4
delivery-pipeline-plugin - 0.9.12
view-job-filters - 1.27
htmlpublisher - 1.11
bouncycastle-api - 1.648.3
scm-api - 1.3
workflow-api - 2.3
build-timeout - 1.17.1
jobConfigHistory - 2.15
maven-metadata-plugin - 1.5.0
git-server - 1.7
envinject - 1.92.1
next-build-number - 1.4
branch-api - 1.10.2
cloudbees-folder - 5.12
multiple-scms - 0.6
mask-passwords - 2.8
ws-cleanup - 0.30
nuget - 0.6
findbugs - 4.65
analysis-collector - 1.48
plugin-usage-plugin - 0.3
build-name-setter - 1.6.5
build-monitor-plugin - 1.10+build.201608030223
pipeline-build-step - 2.2
build-with-parameters - 1.3
ace-editor - 1.1
pipeline-rest-api - 2.0
pipeline-stage-step - 2.2
maven-repo-cleaner - 1.2
ssh-slaves - 1.11
github-api - 1.77
validating-string-parameter - 2.3
jquery - 1.11.2-0
emma - 1.29
icon-shim - 2.0.3
extended-choice-parameter - 0.74
versionnumber - 1.7.2
workflow-cps - 2.15
dashboard-view - 2.9.10
mapdb-api -
ant - 1.4
deploy - 1.10
tmpcleaner - 1.2
nodejs - 0.2.1
test-stability - 1.0
python - 1.3
xunit - 1.102
m2release - 0.14.0
email-ext - 2.47
tasks - 4.49
hipchat - 1.0.0
run-condition - 1.0
artifactdeployer - 0.33
s3 - 0.10.9
display-url-api - 0.3
script-security - 1.22
clover - 4.6.0
ldap - 1.12
throttle-concurrents - 1.9.0
windows-slaves - 1.2
grails - 1.7
scriptler - 2.9
conditional-buildstep - 1.3.5
matrix-project - 1.7.1
junit - 1.18
durable-task - 1.12
gradle - 1.25
build-failure-analyzer - 1.17.1
chef-identity - 1.0.0
ssh-credentials - 1.12
ez-templates - 1.2.2
mstest - 0.19
dropdown-viewstabbar-plugin - 1.7
jacoco - 2.0.1
pmd - 3.45
translation - 1.15
stashNotifier - 1.8
build-stats-jenkins - 4.1.4
cvs - 2.12
thinBackup - 1.7.4
checkstyle - 3.46
Parameterized-Remote-Trigger - 2.2.2
groovy - 1.29
groovy-postbuild - 2.3.1
shiningpanda - 0.23
jenkins-multijob-plugin - 1.21
Jenkins ver. 1.651.3 Windows 7 Using plugins: EZ Templates EnvInject build-stats-jenkins-plugin Build Failure Analyzer Maven Repository Scheduled Cleanup Plugin Maestro Plugin Jenkins Job Restrictions Plugin Jenkins Throttle Concurrent Builds Plug-in Naginator All installed plugins jquery-detached - 1.2.1 pam-auth - 1.3 workflow-job - 2.6 ruby-runtime - 0.13 msbuild - 1.26 swarm - 2.2 github - 1.21.1 claim - 2.8 ssh-agent - 1.13 jackson2-api - 2.7.3 pipeline-input-step - 2.1 workflow-basic-steps - 2.1 sonar - 2.4.4 parameterized-trigger - 2.32 promoted-builds - 2.27 workflow-support - 2.2 mail-watcher-plugin - 1.15 external-monitor-job - 1.6 pipeline-utility-steps - 1.1.6 aws-java-sdk - 1.10.50 structs - 1.5 pipeline-graph-analysis - 1.1 monitoring - 1.59.0 ci-cd-pipeline-plugin - 0.8.7-SNAPSHOT (private-11/21/2014 16:32-abnath) momentjs - 1.1.1 cobertura - 1.9.8 copyartifact - 1.38.1 aws-credentials - 1.16 deployment-notification - 1.4 git - 2.5.3 sectioned-view - 1.20 extended-read-permission - 1.0 job-restrictions - 0.5 credentials-binding - 1.9 credentials - 2.1.4 workflow-step-api - 2.3 chef - 0.1.7 aws-lambda - 0.5.5 javadoc - 1.4 nodelabelparameter - 1.7.2 token-macro - 1.12.1 jira - 2.2.1 timestamper - 1.8.4 pipeline-stage-view - 2.0 config-file-provider - 2.11 uno-choice - 1.4 workflow-scm-step - 2.2 workflow-aggregator - 2.3 matrix-auth - 1.4 selenium - 2.53.1 antisamy-markup-formatter - 1.5 ansible - 0.5 analysis-core - 1.79 handlebars - 1.1.1 subversion - 2.6 p4 - 1.4.6 role-strategy - 2.3.2 git-client - 1.21.0 mailer - 1.18 release - 2.5.4 vstestrunner - 1.0.4 violations - 0.7.11 workflow-multibranch - 2.8 plain-credentials - 1.2 publish-over-ssh - 1.14 workflow-cps-global-lib - 2.3 clone-workspace-scm - 0.6 build-pipeline-plugin - 1.5.4 maven-plugin - 2.13 powershell - 1.3 jenkins - 1.1 performance - 1.14 port-allocator - 1.8 naginator - 1.17.2 chef-tracking - 1.0 workflow-durable-task-step - 2.4 delivery-pipeline-plugin - 0.9.12 view-job-filters - 1.27 htmlpublisher - 1.11 bouncycastle-api - 1.648.3 scm-api - 1.3 workflow-api - 2.3 build-timeout - 1.17.1 jobConfigHistory - 2.15 maven-metadata-plugin - 1.5.0 git-server - 1.7 envinject - 1.92.1 next-build-number - 1.4 branch-api - 1.10.2 cloudbees-folder - 5.12 multiple-scms - 0.6 mask-passwords - 2.8 ws-cleanup - 0.30 nuget - 0.6 findbugs - 4.65 analysis-collector - 1.48 plugin-usage-plugin - 0.3 build-name-setter - 1.6.5 build-monitor-plugin - 1.10+build.201608030223 pipeline-build-step - 2.2 build-with-parameters - 1.3 ace-editor - 1.1 pipeline-rest-api - 2.0 pipeline-stage-step - 2.2 maven-repo-cleaner - 1.2 ssh-slaves - 1.11 github-api - 1.77 validating-string-parameter - 2.3 jquery - 1.11.2-0 emma - 1.29 icon-shim - 2.0.3 extended-choice-parameter - 0.74 versionnumber - 1.7.2 workflow-cps - 2.15 dashboard-view - 2.9.10 mapdb-api - ant - 1.4 deploy - 1.10 tmpcleaner - 1.2 nodejs - 0.2.1 test-stability - 1.0 python - 1.3 xunit - 1.102 m2release - 0.14.0 email-ext - 2.47 tasks - 4.49 hipchat - 1.0.0 run-condition - 1.0 artifactdeployer - 0.33 s3 - 0.10.9 display-url-api - 0.3 script-security - 1.22 clover - 4.6.0 ldap - 1.12 throttle-concurrents - 1.9.0 windows-slaves - 1.2 grails - 1.7 scriptler - 2.9 conditional-buildstep - 1.3.5 matrix-project - 1.7.1 junit - 1.18 durable-task - 1.12 gradle - 1.25 build-failure-analyzer - 1.17.1 chef-identity - 1.0.0 ssh-credentials - 1.12 ez-templates - 1.2.2 mstest - 0.19 dropdown-viewstabbar-plugin - 1.7 jacoco - 2.0.1 pmd - 3.45 translation - 1.15 stashNotifier - 1.8 build-stats-jenkins - 4.1.4 cvs - 2.12 thinBackup - 1.7.4 checkstyle - 3.46 Parameterized-Remote-Trigger - 2.2.2 groovy - 1.29 groovy-postbuild - 2.3.1 shiningpanda - 0.23 jenkins-multijob-plugin - 1.21
I need a way to have a template that defines parameters and allows those parameters to be overridden.
I am new to EZ Templates, but I can't seem to get it to allow the parameters to be overridden
I am using the envInject to set up environment variables
The job-params selector is grayed out, so I have no way of overriding variables for jobs using this template.
Templates seems like the best solution for my case, but it appears I will have to find another way to do this.
- duplicates
JENKINS-38168 job-params being overwritten by template
- Closed