Resolution: Duplicate
Jenkins 2.19.1, Blue Ocean 1.0.0-b08
See screenshots, for the following snippet of a Jenkinsfile
def isPullRequest = !!(env.CHANGE_ID) node('docker') { stage('Checkout') { checkout scm sh 'git rev-parse HEAD > GIT_COMMIT' String shortCommit = readFile('GIT_COMMIT').take(6) } timestamps { stage('Generate Plugin Data') { docker.image('maven').inside { sh 'mvn -PgeneratePluginData' } } /* * Running everything within an nginx container to provide the * DATA_FILE_URL necessary for the build and execution of the docker * container */ docker.image('nginx:alpine').withRun('-v $PWD/target:/usr/share/nginx/html') { c -> /* * Building our war file inside a Maven container which links to * the nginx container for accessing the DATA_FILE_URL */ stage('Build') { docker.image('maven').inside("--link ${c.id}:nginx") { withEnv([ 'DATA_FILE_URL=http://nginx/plugins.json.gzip', ]) { sh 'mvn -B -Dmaven.test.failure.ignore verify' } } /** archive all our artifacts for reporting later */ junit 'target/surefire-reports/**/*.xml' archiveArtifacts archives: 'target/**/*.war', fingerprint: true } } }
I watched this build in karoake mode and it was green when the junit step executed, and then when the archiveArtifacts executed it turned red.
The log:at http://blackberry:8080/blue/rest/organizations/jenkins/pipelines/Experiments/plugin-site/branches/full-docker/runs/3/nodes/28/steps//40/log/ is an empty 200.
- duplicates
JENKINS-39133 Aborting a build can result in an UNKNOWN stage state
- Closed