Resolution: Fixed
The following script will cause an error because of the GString argument to room
def SLACK_CHANNEL = 'bar' job('example') { publishers { slackNotifier { room("foo-${SLACK_CHANNEL}") notifyAborted(true) notifyFailure(true) notifyNotBuilt(false) notifyUnstable(true) notifyBackToNormal(true) notifySuccess(false) notifyRepeatedFailure(false) startNotification(false) includeTestSummary(false) includeCustomMessage(false) customMessage(null) buildServerUrl(null) sendAs(null) commitInfoChoice('NONE') teamDomain(null) authToken(null) } } }
console log:
Processing provided DSL script ERROR: (script, line 6) No signature of method: javaposse.jobdsl.plugin.structs.DescribableContext.room() is applicable for argument types: (org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.GStringImpl) values: [foo-bar] Possible solutions: wait(), dump(), any(), find(), grep(), wait(long) Finished: FAILURE
- is duplicated by
JENKINS-39502 ghprb couldn't pass the variable for triggerPhrase
- Closed
- links to
It works in this way: