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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-40014

folder job type not supported by various Plugins and Apps

      We have recognized that the new element type folder ist not supoorted by a various kind of plugins and apps. There are problems by navigating to jobs that are lying in folders:

      • Jenkins Dashboard View plugin (Job Type Filter by Folder dosent work)
      • iJenkins (App for iOs, navigate into folders doenst work)
      • Hudson Tray Tracker (Windows App as System Tray, navigate into folders doesnt work)
      • ???

      This might be a problem in generell (e.g. in the folder job type itself) rather then a problem in the various plugins/apps.

          [JENKINS-40014] folder job type not supported by various Plugins and Apps

          • same problem in the Portlet "Latest Builds with icons" in the Dashboard View Plugin (Hyperlinks of the jobs does not include the folder)

          Thomas Leufkes added a comment - same problem in the Portlet "Latest Builds with icons" in the Dashboard View Plugin (Hyperlinks of the jobs does not include the folder)

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            leufkes Thomas Leufkes
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