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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-40078

Artifact Resolver - Version parameter not passed from 'Build with Parameters'


      Summary: Parameter from 'Build with Parameters' is being passed as literal text, instead of selected value into the Artifact Resolver Build Step.

      IMAGE 1 - A job is configured to be BUILD with PARAMETERS, where the version of the artifact from Nexus can be selected.

      IMAGE 2,3,4 - The parameter ${groupId.artifactId} is not being propagated with the value selected. This can be seen in the logs as literal. The Artifact Resolver is configured as shown in the "repository-connector" plugin documentation.

        1. IMAGE 1.png
          IMAGE 1.png
          53 kB
        2. IMAGE 2.png
          IMAGE 2.png
          95 kB
        3. IMAGE 4.png
          IMAGE 4.png
          104 kB
        4. IMAGE 3.png
          IMAGE 3.png
          200 kB

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            rama_arun rama arun
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