1.Ty for others' remarks. I'm not sure what a proper result is supposed to look like?
2.Now I see that the author plugin appears to be 'Nested Views' and is up for adoption. The last remark, 2016, noted a memory leak/issue.
User icon: treybohon
Trey Bohon
I've been using this plugin for years. As we've scaled, our Java heap usage has grown to ridiculous sizes. As I'm investigating, there are multiple causes. One is this plugin. If you select Weather, this plugin seems to load all jobs' metadata (env vars, VIEW_MAP, paths to files on Jenkins job's folders) for all history. For us, it was 6 GB of strings after initializing Jenkins in the Java heap. Don't use weather. In retrospect, that never really told us anything useful. Aggregate status, however, is a quick way for someone to manually check for infrastructure failures that aren't automatically handled.
Nov 22, 2016
Jenkins 2.100 same behavior; config is lost. I'm not sure what it is supposed to do.
I wish I could edit the "View" characteristics for the multibranch. For example, I cannot see which is the latest aborted / cancelled build.