New Feature
Resolution: Won't Do
New feature suggestion.
Currently, all shared library functions seem to execute on the master.
Allow defining some sort of mechanism to allow specifying an executor for the code execution.
Some ideas:
- by defining this in the library code (something similar to what node(...) definitions do)
- via a shared library form field that allows defining the agent to run on
- checkbox on the shared library form that toggles whether code should be run same node as calling Pipeline block
- relates to
JENKINS-70869 Option to bypass workspace checkout of library
- Resolved
For me, Libraries = GIT Repository which means temporary files to the Master! without cleanup control system.
To download repository (call it library if you want but it's a fully source repository files) to the master without properly cleanup system it's a recipe for disaster! Also the Master need to stay clean all the time without a jobs/builds temporary files as library...
I also like the suggestion of add new option to run all the pipeline project in specific node, as we already have and exist in normal Jenkins job: "Restrict where this project can be run". so simple so smart.
There must be a way to allow users to control the node to where download the library...
I don't see any reason that you prevent us from getting this new option.