Resolution: Incomplete
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 7.2 (Maipo)
i looked for this issue in the jenkins community and didn't find it, so created a new Jira.
Am facing an issue on the Configure/Manage Credentials of Jenkins web Admin screen:
in the previous version i was able to configure a user/password in the screen,
now i have a different screen wich allow me to choose between two list box instead of user/password as usual.
My question is how do i configure a user password in this screen ?
i need it to allow access to bitbucket (Git project)
see the attachement : new version of jenkins(2.38) vs previous ones
i was in version 2, and moved to 2.38 version to see if it fixes the problem, but no.
plugin with version list :
Ant Plugin 1.4
bouncycastle API Plugin 2.16.0
Branch API Plugin 1.11.1
build timeout plugin 1.18
Conditional BuildStep 1.3.5
Config File Provider Plugin 2.13
Copy Artifact Plugin 1.38.1
Credentials Plugin 2.1.10
CVS Plug-in 2.12
Dashboard View 2.9.10
deployment-notification 1.4
disk-usage plugin 0.28
Display URL API 0.5
Durable Task Plugin 1.12
Email Extension Plugin 2.53
Extensible Choice Parameter plugin 1.3.3
External Monitor Job Type Plugin 1.6
FindBugs Plug-in 4.69
Folders Plugin 5.15
Git client plugin 2.1.0
Git plugin 3.0.1
GIT server Plugin 1.7
GitBucket Plugin 0.8
GitHub API Plugin 1.82
GitHub Branch Source Plugin 1.10.1
GitHub Organization Folder Plugin 1.5
GitHub plugin 1.25.0
Gradle Plugin 1.25
Icon Shim Plugin 2.0.3
Javadoc Plugin 1.4
JavaScript GUI Lib: ACE Editor bundle plugin 1.1
JavaScript GUI Lib: Handlebars bundle plugin 1.1.1
JavaScript GUI Lib: jQuery bundles (jQuery and jQuery UI) plugin 1.2.1
JavaScript GUI Lib: Moment.js bundle plugin 1.1.1
JavaScript GUI Lib: Numeral.js bundle plugin 1.1.1
JavaScript GUI Lib: Twitter Bootstrap bundle plugin 1.3.2
JBoss Management Plugin 1.0.5
Job Configuration History Plugin 2.15
jQuery plugin 1.11.2-0
JUnit Plugin 1.19
LDAP Plugin 1.13
Mailer Plugin 1.18
Mantis plugin 0.26
MapDB API Plugin
Matrix Authorization Strategy Plugin 1.4
Matrix Project Plugin 1.7.1
Maven Artifact ChoiceListProvider (Nexus) 1.0.3
Maven Info Plugin 0.2.0
Maven Integration plugin 2.14
Maven Release Plug-in Plug-in 0.14.0
A plug-in that enables you to perform releases using the maven-release-plugin from Jenkins.
Maven Repository Server Plugin 1.3
OWASP Markup Formatter Plugin 1.5
PAM Authentication plugin 1.3
Parameterized Trigger plugin 2.32
Persona Plugin 2.4
Pipeline GitHub Notify Step Plugin 1.0.1
Pipeline Graph Analysis Plugin 1.3
Pipeline: API 2.8
Pipeline: Build Step 2.4
Pipeline: Groovy 2.23
Pipeline: Input Step 2.5
Pipeline: Job 2.9
Pipeline: Milestone Step 1.3
Pipeline: Multibranch 2.9.2
Pipeline: REST API Plugin 2.4
Pipeline: SCM Step 2.3
Pipeline: Shared Groovy Libraries 2.5
Pipeline: Stage Step 2.2
Pipeline: Stage View Plugin 2.4
Pipeline: Step API 2.6
Pipeline: Supporting APIs 2.11
Plain Credentials Plugin 1.3
Prerequisite build step plugin 1.1
Publish Over CIFS 0.3
Publish Over FTP 1.12
Publish Over SSH 1.14
Puppet Plugin 1.1
Release Helper Plugin 1.3
Release Plugin 2.6.1
Resource Disposer Plugin 0.3
Run Condition Plugin 1.0
SCM API Plugin 1.3
Script Security Plugin 1.24
skip-certificate-check 1.0
SonarQube Plugin 2.5
SSH Credentials Plugin 1.12
SSH plugin 2.4
SSH Slaves plugin 1.12
SSH2 Easy Plugin 1.4
Static Analysis Utilities 1.81
Structs Plugin 1.5
Subversion Plug-in 2.7.1
Subversion Release Manager plugin 1.2
Subversion Revert Plugin 1.3
Subversion Tagging Plugin 1.18
Summary Display Plugin 1.15
Token Macro Plugin 2.0
Translation Assistance plugin 1.15
ViewVC Plugin 1.7
WildFly Deployer Plugin 1.0.2
Windows Slaves Plugin 1.2
workplace-notifier 1.16
Workspace Whitespace Replacement 1.0.1
XebiaLabs XL Release Plugin 6.0.0
Bests Regards & Happy new year