Recent usage example:
Normal workspace sync is multi GB. For this project we use Jenkins to figure out that a build is broken then Perforce to determine who made the changes that broke the build.
emailext body: 'My test email', recipientProviders: [[$class: 'DevelopersRecipientProvider'], [$class: 'RequesterRecipientProvider']], subject: 'Test Email', to: 'AprojectOwnersEmailAddress'
Use 'Preview check only' allows the email to be generated with all recent changes without syncing many GB to workspace but we need to be able to specify a specific label.
At the moment we don't use Pipline so there is no workaround.
Recent usage example:
Normal workspace sync is multi GB. For this project we use Jenkins to figure out that a build is broken then Perforce to determine who made the changes that broke the build.
emailext body: 'My test email', recipientProviders: [[$class: 'DevelopersRecipientProvider'], [$class: 'RequesterRecipientProvider']], subject: 'Test Email', to: 'AprojectOwnersEmailAddress'
Use 'Preview check only' allows the email to be generated with all recent changes without syncing many GB to workspace but we need to be able to specify a specific label.
At the moment we don't use Pipline so there is no workaround.