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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-42377

Add support for tokens from Token Macro Plugin


      The Token Macro Plugin (https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Token+Macro+Plugin) provides token expansion capabilities for other plugins.

      Notably, these "tokens" are used by plugins based on analysis-core suite of plugins, including:
      Checkstyle Plug-in
      DRY Plug-in
      FindBugs Plug-in
      PMD Plug-in
      Compiler Warnings Plug-in
      Task Scanner Plug-in
      CCM Plug-in
      Android Lint Plug-in
      OWASP Dependency-Check Plugin

      Each of these plugins provides tokens upon scanning the code base (e.g. for warnings or open tasks). It would be very beneficial to reference these tokens in the template used for merge request or ticket comments. (For example, the plugin could comment back to the ticket if new tasks or warnings were introduced by the merge request.)

            paveld Pavel Dotsulenko
            dpfeiffer Daniel Pfeiffer
            0 Vote for this issue
            1 Start watching this issue
