Resolution: Fixed
Jenkins ver 1.651.2, LoadRunner 12.53 Patch 4, HP-application-automation-tools-plugin v4, LoadRunner/Jenskins Slave is on Windows 2008 Server.
After executing a build when we click on the Performance Report or the Transaction Summary navigation hyperlinks we see the Name, Duration, Pass, and Fail columns.
Upon clicking on the results name hyperlink we are taken to a page that says HTTP Error 404 (see error below) in both cases.
Problem accessing /jenkins/view/TEST%20-%20SPB/job/SPB_PAT/job/PerformanceSITDevOpsMyUSPTO/11/PerformanceReport/SitDevOpsMyusptoTC.lrs/SitDevOpsMyusptoTC.lrs/HTML.html. Reason: Not Found
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How do we get the proper information to display? A prior ticket says that this happens when the scenario name has special characters in it. But as you can see my scenario name does not have any special characters.
FqtDevOpsMyusptoTC.lrs is the scenario name
After clicking on the Scenario name link (https://myservername/jenkins/view/TEST%20-%20SPB/job/SPB_PAT/job/PerformanceFQTDevOpsMyUSPTO/2/PerformanceReport/FqtDevOpsMyusptoTC.lrs), I'm taking to the error page
Hi, noticed the same issue with Jenkins 2.32.3 and plugin version 5.1 (using LR 12.53).
I think there's some kind of file name limit for the LR scenario name. Works fine for scenario names up to 14 characters, but any more, and you'll get a 404 error. I've been running a few tests, and I'm sure of that.
Try changing your scenario file name from "FqtDevOpsMyusptoTC.lrs" to "FqtDevOpsMyusp.lrs", and let us know if it works.