Resolution: Fixed
CentOS6, Jenkins 2.32.2, PrioritySorter 3.5.0
Priority sorter global configuration:
- Strategy: Absolute
- Number of priorities: 5
- Default priority: 3
Job priorities: A single job group:
- Jobs to include: All
- Priority: Default
- Use additional rules when assigning a priority to a Job: checked
- Job Triggered by a Upstream Build (" Use the same priority as assigned to the Upstream Build that caused this Jobs to start.")
- Job Triggered by a User: Priority 1
- "A" (upstream), triggering "B" via Parameterized Trigger Plugin with "Block until the triggered projects finish their builds" checked
- "B" (downstream)
With this configuration, I'd expect that job "B" gets scheduled with priority 1, if "A" was started manually. Or am I wrong? However, it runs with the default priority according to the logs. The same happens if "B" gets started from "A" from a post-build step ("Build other projects").
The plugin correctly recognizes that "B" was triggered by "A" ("Job Triggered by a Upstream Build"), but cannot determine the priority correctly.
WIP. Current state here: https://github.com/rschuetz/priority-sorter-plugin/tree/feature/JENKINS-42584-Upstream-job-priority-ignored