New Feature
Resolution: Not A Defect
Actually I'm evaluating different possibilites to better restructure our complex CD/CI pipeline.
One of the things I stumpled on was:
I'm able to start a defined job by it's known name
build job: 'knownJobname'
but I'm unable to create the job itself, if it doesn't already exist from the multibranch-pipline Job: desired
build job: 'knownJobname', from 'Jenkinsfile.job.knownJobname.groovy'
which should
- checks for the given job
- updates or creates the job
- perhaps should auto-update the name for multipipeline builds
- run the build job with the given parameters
actually it just fails if the job doesn't exist: https://github.com/jenkinsci/pipeline-build-step-plugin/blob/4512e19/src/main/java/org/jenkinsci/plugins/workflow/support/steps/build/BuildTriggerStep.java#L100
In JenkinsDSL there was a pipelineJob which solved this:
I'm quite unsure which of the "pluged in steps" is affected or should do/cover this.
The nearest hit is indeed https://plugins.jenkins.io/pipeline-build-step itself, but perhaps there should be a another "plugin" for it, or bundled in any "-support" / "-api" or "-cps-" plugin?!
P.S: should https://plugins.jenkins.io/workflow-job do the job?! I'm lost in documentations ;(
^ no, it's the Pipeline Job itself, not a step definition "plugin"
Sounds like a task for Job DSL. I do not really follow your question but it sounds like a topic for the user list.