Not convinced that this is a browser-caching issue.
- Hudson 1.352 (on Ubuntu-64, installed using apt-get install),
- IE8 & Firefox 3.6 (on Vista-32)
I installed hudson & got it running using Firefox, including installing the greenballs plugin.
The following day, I opened up the web-UI using IE8 and found that whilst large & small balls were green, medium ones were blue. I then checked using Firefox and found that this showed the same.
As IE had never previously been run (I don't normally use IE) before the greenballs plugin was run, it couldn't have obtained incorrect data from before the plugin was installed.
The fact that small and large balls worked fine but medium ones are still blue suggests to me that there's something different about medium ones.
However, with firefox showing medium balls, I then told Firefox to completely refresh the page by pressing ctrl-F5.
This caused the (medium) balls to change from blue to green.
Furtherfore, when I then told IE to change to small icons and back to medium (and NOT pressing Ctrl-F5 at all), IE also showed the balls as green.
i.e. IE8 changed what it was showing as a result of server-side changes.
So, I think it might well be caching, but it's server-side, not within the browser.
Maybe there's some caching going on within the servlet code that calls Hudson? Maybe the date/times of the icons aren't set right and this is confusing that servlet code?
Strange. Could you provide some details of what browser/s you have tested this
Does the /legend page show the correct icons?
Since the plugin does HTTP 302 trickery the blue icons might have been cached by
your browser. Could you try clearing the browser cache?