Resolution: Fixed
Platform: All, OS: All
using 1.322.
Sometimes maven2 build failed with the following errors :
A SCM change trigger started this job
Building remotely on node name
Updating http://xxxx/xxxx
U update file
At revision 6022
Parsing POMs
ERROR: Aborted
Skipping sonar analysis due to SCM build trigger
Notifying upstream projects of job completion
Finished: ABORTED
– in hudson logs
INFO: SCM changes detected in accommons-libs. Triggering #325
Aug 29, 2009 6:49:29 PM hudson.model.Run run
INFO: accommons-libs #325 main build action completed: ABORTED
Could it be possible to have more informations/log ?
- is blocking
JENKINS-3273 Maven build aborted before execution due to SocketTimeoutException
- Reopened