Resolution: Won't Do
Thank you for such great plugin called vsphere-cloud.
I have the following build steps:
1 - [vsphere-cloud] Deploy a new VM from template
2 - [vsphere-cloud] Turn on the new VM
3 - Run build.sh inside the new VM
4 - [vsphere-cloud] Delete new VM created
When the build (step 3) fails, the step 4 is not being executed. So, I can't cleanup my environment.
I would like to propose a new "post build-action step". So, I'll be able to clean up such vm after the build.
Thank you!
Use https://wiki.jenkins.io/display/JENKINS/PostBuildScript+Plugin
That lets you run arbitrary build steps as part of the post-build process, so you could put step 4 in that and it'll always get run.