Resolution: Done
Jenkins 2.46.1
ALM 12.53
TestNG Results 1.10
The following issue allows storing test name
- Store/Display user provided custom test nameJENKINS-9969
I would like to be able to import into ALM with the custom Test Name field as the name in the Test Plan rather than classMethod. For reporting purposes, it is more helpful for us to have a user friendly, readable name. Is this possible in the current release?
<test name="Get Initial Configuration Test" duration-ms="706" started-at="2017-04-25T15:35:57Z" finished-at="2017-04-25T15:35:58Z">
<class name="sysmgr.tests.api.pub.configurations.ConfigurationsGetTests">
<test-method status="PASS" signature="springTestContextPrepareTestInstance()[pri:0, instance:sysmgr.tests.api.pub.configurations.ConfigurationsGetTests@63475ace]" name="springTestContextPrepareTestInstance" is-config="true" duration-ms="11" started-at="2017-04-25T08:35:57Z" depends-on-methods="org.springframework.test.context.testng.AbstractTestNGSpringContextTests.springTestContextBeforeTestClass" finished-at="2017-04-25T08:35:57Z">
</test-method> <!-- springTestContextPrepareTestInstance -->
Well, I don't think there will be a plan to do such customized change. But as it is a opensource tool, you can try make a change yourself. Maybe you can try update this file: hp-application-automation-tools-plugin\src\main\java\com\hp\application\automation\tools\results\service\almentities\AlmTestSet.java, set the
TESTSET_NAME to other string you want. See if this works.