yes Tim, thanks for the time. Good idea, had thought of it but its not useful in my current case because I need to modify the current implementation completely because of these 2 jobs ( Eg. I have job 3, 4, 5 etc. which don't have any associated post build job and so the External call's behavior has to be modified a lot)
and I understand implementing "downstream can block upstream job" is tricky because then upstream job to be kept in queue to wait until last build's downstream job's build is finished
Eg. > upstream has to know the build number of downstream's triggered build to update the state back that its done to notify Queue manager to process the new build of upstream (+ keep polling if its done)
for very reason I believe, Join Trigger also doesn't help.
I haven't done any junkies work in a while, but I think it should be possible.
Just to clarify, what is it your upstream build is doing that is dependent on the downstream build finishing ?