Logged JENKINS-46152
cleclerc in regards to your question I did notice that the Last Successful Artifacts has changed slightly. It used to archive the artifact that includes the timestamp (myapp-1.11.0-201780809.160055-9.jar) and now archives just the artifactId and version (myapp-1.11.0.jar). I don't think it really affects anything though.
The fingerprints are likewise changed:
- Old: com/group/blah/blah/myapp/1.4.1-20170811.043839-30/myapp-1.4.1-20170811.043839-30-sources.jar
- New: com/group/blah/blah/myotherapp/1.1.4-SNAPSHOT/myotherapp-1.1.4-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar
I don't really know a whole lot about how exactly the fingerprinting works and what it is used for, so I can't say if this will affect anything.
Here's a screenshot of the option I'm referring to