Resolution: Unresolved
Cloudbees Jenkins, sauce-ondemand-plugin:1.164,org.jenkins-ci.plugins:credentials:2.1.5
Setup: Jenkins DSL Job using sauceOnDemand {credentials(Credentials ID associated with the sauclabs credentials stored in Jenkins)}
I have written a DSL job to run Automated Tests via Jenkins on SauceLabs. I am using suaceOndemand and trying to pass sauceLabsCredentials with each Job that I execute but the build fails with the following error:
No signature of method: javaposse.jobdsl.dsl.helpers.wrapper.SauceOnDemandContext.credentials() is applicable for argument types: (java.lang.String) values: [My crdentials ID]
I restarted Jenkins after installing the plugin. Not sure if I am missing something here.
I came across a similar issue JENKINS-36370 but not sure if that's related.
Dependencies installed:
Maven Integration Plugin: 2.13
Matrix Project Plugin: 1.7.1
Pipeline: Basic Steps 2.2
Run Condition Plugin: 1.0
Pipeline: Groovy: 2.18
JUnit Plugin: 1.18
Pipeline: Step API: 2.4
Pipeline Job: 2.7
Credentials Plugin: 2.1.5