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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-44844

Unable to write the vulnerability list in database


      I have an issue with the Dependency Check Jenkins plugin. I have configured the database options of the plugin, because I want to have the list of vulnerability in a MariaDB database. When I configure a job with "Invoke OWASP Dependency-Check analysis" option, the list of NIST vulnerabilities are saved in the database. Otherfore, if I use the "Invoke OWASP Dependency-Check NVD update only" option, the lis of vulnerabilities aren't saved in the database, and a H2 file is created.

      Is there any option to write the vulnerabilities in the database using the "Invoke OWASP Dependency-Check NVD update only" option?

            sspringett Steve Springett
            sgtic_cal12 Alexander Garcia
            0 Vote for this issue
            4 Start watching this issue
