Resolution: Unresolved
Jenkins 2.6.3
ansible-plugin 0.6.2
credentials-plugin 2.1.14
on a linux box
I'm trying to pass a "private" credentialsId (in "Stores scoped to User: my_login", as opposed to the global credentials store) to the ansible plugin with a pipeline likeĀ
pipeline { agent any stages { stage('ssh-ansible-test') { steps { wrap([$class: 'MaskPasswordsBuildWrapper']) { ansiColor('xterm') { timestamps { ansiblePlaybook( [ colorized: true, credentialsId: "MY_PRIVATE_SSH_KEY", inventory: 'hosts', playbook: 'test.yml' ] ) } } } } } } }
but keep getting
fatal: [my.machine.fqdn]: UNREACHABLE! => {"changed": false, "msg": "Failed to connect to the host via ssh: Permission denied (publickey,password,keyboard-interactive).\r\n", "unreachable": true}
When I do the same with a globally scoped credentialId, it works ok.
Could it be that ansible-plugin does not have access to these credentials and if so, could this be changed please?
I'd like to be able to make sure a logged-in-user uses his/her own private ssh key to run ansible on target machines.