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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-45136

Missing parameters in MultiJob subbuilds


      Since we have updated Jenkins from 2.17 to 2.66 and MultiJob Plugin from 1.21 to 1.25 we sometimes don't see the parameters in some sub-builds which have been triggered via an upstream MultiJob-Build.

      I have attached the build.xmls from two sub-build runs and their corresponding upstream multijob-builds:

      • build-2320: doesn't display the parameters. You can see in the XML that the <com.tikal.jenkins.plugins.multijob.MultiJobParametersAction plugin="jenkins-multijob-plugin@1.25"> and some other tags are missing.
      • build-2323: works as expected. I've attached the XML for comparing a working run with the non-working above.

      The job configs themselves haven't changed between the attached runs.

      There are no stacktraces or other related errors/warnings in the jenkins.err.log, jenkins.out.log, jenkins.wrapper.log and no visible error messages/stacktraces in the Jenkins GUI.

      Unfortunately for some jobs the parameter information is essential for us, to trigger rebuilds, so this is rather a critical than a cosmetical bug for us.

      Please help!

      Thanks in advance!


        1. upstream-build-2323-1457.xml
          72 kB
          Alexander Scheipner
        2. upstream-build-2320-1453.xml
          72 kB
          Alexander Scheipner
        3. build-2323.xml
          7 kB
          Alexander Scheipner
        4. build-2320.xml
          5 kB
          Alexander Scheipner

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            bah_operations Alexander Scheipner
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