Resolution: Unresolved
Jenkins 2.32.1, master running on Linux, slave nodes are Mac Minis.
As of version 2.0.0 the Xcode plug in not longer generates a ZIP file for the dSYMs. This can be attributed to a logic error introduced in commit db748380c0e90d962181ec3d4de50fec8e7336ff:
if (dSYMs != null && dSYMs.isEmpty()) { // should not test for dSYMs.isEmpty() here -- condition is never met listener.getLogger().println("No dSYM file found in " + buildDirectory.absolutize().child(configuration + "-" + buildPlatform) + "!"); for (FilePath dSYM : dSYMs) { returnCode = launcher.launch() .envs(envs) .stdout(listener) .pwd(buildDirectory) .cmds("ditto", "-c", "-k", "--keepParent", "-rsrc", dSYM.absolutize().getRemote(), ipaOutputPath.child(baseName + "-dSYM.zip") .absolutize() .getRemote()) .join(); if (returnCode > 0) { listener.getLogger().println(Messages.XCodeBuilder_zipFailed(baseName)); return false; } } }
Someone has already issued a pull request for the fix: https://github.com/jenkinsci/xcode-plugin/pull/80. Ideally this could be issued in a patch release ASAP.
Can confirm issue is present. After update from 1.x, dSYM is no longer archived into ZIP. Temporary workaround (added as a last "Execute shell" build step):