Resolution: Fixed
Jenkins ver. 2.60.1
SCM svnrepository
svn maven-java project demo in http://svn/VersionesJenkins20 [trunk, branches/*]
svn generic devops project http://svn/Jenkins/Pipeline/trunk/
We need to have different Declarative Pipelines per roles/definitions (role: developers; role: DevOps)
Declarative Jenkinsfile for developers: in maven-java project is Jenkinsfile
Declarative Jenkinsfile for DevOps: in generic devops project
In Scan Multibranch Pipeline:
*Case 1:
-Branch Sources: maven-java project http://svn/VersionesJenkins20
-Build Configuration by Jenkinsfile Script Path ../../Jenkins/Pipeline/trunk/Jenkinsfile
Scan Multibranch Pipeline Log ERROR:
ERROR: [Mon Jul 03 14:18:06 ART 2017] Could not fetch branches from source 90b1b9e5-a010-4b1a-a717-2a2b51b9e42e
java.io.IOException: org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNException: svn: E125002: URL 'http://svn/VersionesJenkins20/branches/VersionesJenkins20-sinFileJenkins/../..' contains .. element
*Case 2:
-Branch Sources: maven-java project http://svn/VersionesJenkins20 + generic devops project http://svn/Jenkins/Pipeline/trunk/
-Build Configuration by Jenkinsfile Script Path Jenkinsfile
PROBLEM: Jenkins runs Jenkinsfile from maven-java project ignoring generic devops project
-Allow to define shared workspace with Jenkins file
-Allow to define scm svn to the declarative devops jenkinsfile
- duplicates
JENKINS-43749 Support multiple Jenkinsfiles from the same repository
- Reopened
- links to